Zakfas Pharmaceuticals has been operating in Pakistan for more than 8 years. Over this period, the company has successfully developed and strengthened its vet and poultry pharmaceutical marketing and manufacturing base, which enabled us to achieve the distinction of being the fastest growing national vet and poultry pharmaceutical company. We, by the grace of God Almighty, are now amongst the leading vet and poultry pharmaceutical companies operating in Pakistan, including multinationals.
The key reasons for Zakfas Pharmaceuticals’s success include recognition of our employees as our prime resource and putting continuous emphasis on their training and development for enhancement of their professional skills. Strong work ethics, mutual trust, close teamwork, professionalism and continuous endeavor for improvement of quality are some of the other guiding principles of our corporate philosophy.
In this era of global competitiveness, Zakfas Pharmaceuticals continues to focus on the quality of our products and to introduce new innovative healthcare products. We are confident that InshaAllah (God willing) Zakfas Pharmaceuticals will continue to grow and move forward to achieve its objectives with unshaken confidence, professional spirit and team work.